Our customer service goal is simple: With our competitive pricing, free shipping, Free tech support, and warranties on everything we sell, our customers can buy with confidence. Our goal is to help our customers receive the best value for the best price, while helping them escape the dreaded modem lease fee so they can save hundreds for years to come!

We don't want our customers to have to wait on hold, so to record all communication and to more efficiently serve our customers, please
contact us at email address BUYYOUROWNMODEMDOTCOM@GMAIL.COM or simply respond to any of the emails you received from us regarding your order and you will be surprised how fast we will get back to you. All emails are generally answered within the same to next business day.
Business hours are from 9:00a.m.-5:p.m. M.S.T. Monday-Saturday.(except holidays)
Location: I-15 N. Center St Orem, UT 84058
(Not a return address!)